Institute Membership Options and Benefits
Basic Membership: Basic Membership is at no charge. You just have to sign up! Basic
level members provide you access to the following member benefits:
- Access to the latest articles, ideas, and techniques in a wide variety of areas
- 10% discount off your first course registration
Gold Membership: You achieve Gold Membership when you and/or your organization
have done business with us in the past year. Gold level members are provided access to
the following member benefits:
- Reduced education, development and training fees for all Institute programs.
- Potential option to have a seat on the Institute Board of Directors
- Control over the course offerings and schedules which ensures that each client partner's development needs are met.
- Significant influence on the selection and design of new programs that will best meet each Institute member's business needs.
- Access to the latest articles, research, ideas and techniques in a wide variety of areas.
- Recognition of client-partners in professional journals resulting from participation in leading edge research.
- Option to participate in a member's only annual conference